The essentials that I always carry in my purse

Hello hello
Today I want to tell you what I carry in my purse almost ALWAYS.
What I carry in my daily life is not many things, but it is what I carry on almost all occasions and the good thing is that it is easy to change it from one bag to another.
In the photo I was missing an element and it is liquid stevia , I buy it in a healthy supermarket in Cartagena where I live. To avoid leaving with the large bottle, I package it in a glass dropper and take it with me everywhere. It is an element that cannot be missing from my portfolio.
Now here I list the items that I always carry with me.
- One or two colors of lipstick, since I like to combine them, they are generally colors for daily use, the color CRUSHING from my makeup line is my favorite, I always wear it and the color KISSABLE that from time to time I change it for the color HANKY PANKY by NICOLE RAVACHI BEAUTY .
- A lip liner in the color SMORE by NICOLE RAVACHI BEAUTY, this color goes perfectly with the three colors of lipstick so I almost never change it for another, I don't use the lipstick without liner because the painted mouth lasts longer, the lips look thicker and defined.
- This product is the best because it has cream blush, highlighter and dark circle concealer in the same case. It is from CHANEL and is called pallete essentielle . I always carry my makeup in a small cosmetic bag for greater organization, and for greater speed when moving from one purse to the other.
- Sunglasses.
- Seeing glasses.
- Liquid stevia. This is a TIP that I want to give you because before I added splenda or one of those sweeteners that contain aspartame to everything and the truth is that that is not good for our health and skin since it contains many chemicals and is too processed.
I always had the idea that stevia changed the flavor of foods because the ones I tried were the ones commonly offered by the market, the ones that come processed and in powder packets. But one day I gave it the opportunity and tried the liquid without being processed and I loved it. It is the one that only contains water and stevia in its ingredients. It has been the best for me, since I am a super sweet tooth and I love very sweet coffee, or tea, or any other drink, I even add wine!!! Hahaha I know it's strange but I love it. I don't drink alcohol but I do drink wine with stevia and it fascinates me, it's the only way I can drink it. - My wallet.