Today I want to talk to you about a topic that I love, meditation. I want to tell you all the benefits I have had in my life and how I have been doing it.
When you think about meditation, something unattainable comes to mind, well that's how it happened to me, I wondered how I was going to last with my eyes closed for so long, and with my mind blank, I found it very difficult.
But I tell you that it is not, it is literally a massage for my brain, it is as if it were being caressed, I never thought I would like it so much, and that I would enjoy doing it.
I started doing it at a time where I had difficult days at the beginning of my second pregnancy, where the hormones were playing with me hahaha. My second pregnancy in the first trimester was very difficult for me emotionally, but today I am grateful for having felt all those emotions that led me to have the habits I have today.
It's incredible that when not-so-good things happen in your life, they always lead to something better, personally I see it that way. And the truth is, I wanted to get out of that feeling of sadness and feel like before again, but what I didn't know was that later I was going to feel much better.
I started researching what a pregnant woman could do to feel good emotionally, and what they always suggested was meditation and yoga. Well then I started doing both, I started meditating 5 minutes a day, the first day I didn't feel anything nor the second or the third, after a week everything started to change.
For me, meditating does not mean having a completely blank mind, nor does it mean getting bitter if someone makes noise at me, like my daughters for example, on the contrary when I feel them out there screaming because they are looking for me, at that moment I am grateful that they are okay, that They are healthy and they are all over the house screaming or crying. For me, meditating is a moment in the day that I give to myself where I reflect, pray, think and give thanks.
Many times I have the privilege of doing it without noise and without anyone around me. If I manage to have a blank mind for a few moments, it is the best feeling anyone can experience. It is being present in that moment, without thinking about what happened yesterday, what is going to happen tomorrow, or what you have to do today, it is a feeling of freedom without worries about the future, or the past, if not just enjoy the moment we are living.
"It is being present in that moment, without thinking about what happened yesterday, what will happen tomorrow, or what you have to do today, it is a feeling of freedom without worries about the future, or the past. "If not just enjoy the moment we are living"
And precisely that is what has helped me the most about meditation, to be present in the moment of each situation. For example, when I exercise I concentrate much more and I do it much better because I am thinking only about that activity, about how I move each part of my body, about the exercise I am doing. When I'm working I also concentrate much more, when I'm playing with my daughters I enjoy the moment I'm spending with them more, when I'm eating, I'm aware of what I'm putting in my mouth. In short, meditation is just a little time that we give to ourselves and that provides us with many benefits for our mental health. The truth seems like the best to me.
I think it's good to start doing it every day to create the habit and really feel the benefits it brings.
Now that I've told you all the benefits, maybe some of you want to start doing it, that's why I'm going to leave you here the link to the meditation I'm doing, and some other tools that can help you do it too.
As I told you before, meditation is how you want to do it, I see it that way, it is really a moment to connect with yourself. You can do it guided by a person, you can do it alone, you can do it with a mantra, etc.
The one I currently use
With the application that I started meditating, it is called CALM.
Please tell me how it goes.