Hello hello!!
I want to talk to you about a topic that has been a challenge for me but it is something with which I have learned too many things. Those of us who are mothers know that our children are the best thing that has happened to us, but many of us also have dreams and personal goals to achieve. Others of us have to go out to work because our families need it to be able to get ahead.
What has it been for me to work and be a mother at the same time?
To organize my day much better
To grow as a person
To be more responsible every day with the decisions I make
To give my daughters quality time when I'm with them, because I know we can't always be together.
To enjoy moments to the fullest with them
Because I know that tomorrow I will leave you something built (that is my biggest dream)
The million dollar question, how do you do it?
I confess that before my oldest daughter started school, it was more difficult because I felt the responsibility of always being present at home, and I also had another newborn baby that I couldn't leave alone. The first few months after I was born I had no help at home, I dedicated myself to my baby full time.
Now that my oldest daughter is 3 and a half years old and is already going to school, I have the whole morning free to go to the office. On the other hand, my youngest daughter is already older and I have a very trustworthy person with whom I leave her. .
Many times I leave the office and have to continue working from home, either through blogs or tutorials that I record for my social networks, or simply pending tasks left over from the day.
In order to be able to do both things in the best possible way, it is essential to maintain a balance, a point of balance between the roles that we handle as women.
I think that if we fill ourselves with work and also want to do everything at once, it is very difficult for things to turn out well.
Organization tips that help me to have a balance:
- Write down EVERYTHING! You can't imagine how many notebooks I have, one for each responsibility I have. For example, I have one for the house things, one for the girls' things, another for the office, for my blogs, etc. the list goes on... I almost never write things down on my cell phone. What I do write down on my cell phone are my appointments, work appointments, medical appointments, my daughter's school appointments, birthdays, and things that I need the alarm to remind me of.
- In order to be able to go to work calmly every day, it is essential to leave things organized in the house, such as the meal menu, what day the deep cleaning is done, what day the washing is done, etc. This for me is very important to be able to have peace of mind and know that things are going well while I am gone. The home is the most important thing and if we know that things are going well at home it is easier to go to work with a clear head knowing that we leave things organized.
- Once we have a base of organization in the house, it is advisable to choose one day a week to follow up. If you cannot do it because of work, you can do it on Saturday or Sunday, for example, change some meals on the menu, review my daughters' materials. , the closets, thoroughly organize the toys, drawers and so on, because if we don't follow up on the plan we have in place, it can collapse.
- I do the same thing in my office, I leave everything organized, as much as I can. First I write down a list of tasks of the projects we have, as well as any pending projects including mine, at the same time that I assign responsibilities to my work team so that everything is as organized as possible.
- Another thing that helps me is making the most of the time in which my daughters take naps, since I use it to do any additional ones that I have pending.
In conclusion, the basis of this whole topic is the organization, those who think it cannot be done, let me tell you that IF IT CAN , with patience, love for what we do and dedication, everything is possible.
Just so you know, Victoria Beckham has 4 children and a beauty company and a clothing company hahahahaha so, if she can do it, we can all do it.